
Showing posts from 2016

The Trip that Ruined my Life

Truth? I've been avoiding writing this post. How does one describe all that she experienced while in Kenya for two weeks? How does one explain all the poverty that she laid her eyes on? How does on capture the beauty of a country and people that are indescribable? One cannot & I shall not try to express all that I experienced while in Kenya. It would not do the country nor the people justice. No, this post won't detail the timeline of my trip. It won't give names of the people that I met in Kenya. It won't share their stories. But I'll tell you a few things... My life is ruined. Perhaps I've been ruined in the best way possible. Before my trip to Kenya, I was getting my nails done once every two weeks, and now I cringe at the thought of spending money on something so trivial. Before my trip to Kenya, I could go to sleep every night without this ache in my chest for those who are living without a bed, without a home & without a family. Before...