Quotes. Words. Lyrics.
I love quotes. I actually just really like words. I love stories, song lyrics and poems. On any given day, during any given class..I will not be paying attention to my teacher, but instead of chatting with my friends on FB...I'll be looking up song lyrics and quotes to describe my current state of life. Words are beautiful. Seriously. I never knew how much words impacted me until recently. There are a few people in my life who just seem to know what to say and when to say it. And I love it. It pulls at my heart strings and I just "get" what they are saying. I've always been a lover of quotes. Seriously. In eighth grade and ninth grade, I covered my entire planner in quotes and I changed the quotes out every month or so. I've found some good quotes, sad quotes, inspiring quotes, dramatic quotes, deep quotes, quotes that I'll never share with anyone, quotes that I want to share with everyone. Seriously. Start looking up quotes. Quotes by famous people. Quotes sa...