
Showing posts from November, 2012

By Your Side.

Tenth Avenue North is one of my favorite bands and they released a song a few years ago called "By Your Side." It's one of those songs that I've heard so many times, that the truth in it started to lose its impact. But today, this song was played during the high school sunday school class...and for the first time in a while, I felt God's voice speaking directly to my heart. I felt like He was asking me the questions in the song. I felt like He was singing truth to my heart. And I just wanted to weep in His arms. I just wanted to sit forever in that moment. I hope that as you read these lyrics and listen to this feel the taping of the Lord on your heart and that you feel God wrap His arms around you.  "Why are you striving these days? Why are you trying to earn grace? Why are you crying ? Let me lift up your face. Just don't turn away. Why are you looking for love ? Why are you still searching  as if I...

O, the Wonderful Cross.

It's not Easter Sunday according to our calendars. However.... The tomb is still empty. Christ has risen! We've been set free from the power of sin! We can have relationship with God! Sometimes we get so caught up in our world and our life that we fail to reflect on the most precious and sweet news...the good news...the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My high school youth pastor, Stephen, used to always tell us to 'preach the Gospel to ourselves daily.' I always thought, "Daily? Ha. I can only handle one emotional "Gospel night" at camp once a summer, Stephen! You expect me to preach that to myself daily ?! You're cray." You know what I'm talking about....they turned off all the lights, they gave some really emotional talk, the music was incredible and sobering...a skit may have even been involved. You always knew that  night was coming at camp. It was probably my favorite night because it always reminded me of the hope that I have as a ...

Running in Circles.

God is giving me blessings that I do not deserve. I'm having difficulty accepting and experiencing the mystery of this grace. I am in complete awe that God would continue to bless me, even when I run away from His presence. Even when I dishonor His name. Even when I spit in His face. But because of the blood of Christ... God forgives. He draws me back to Him. God freely offers us a second chance. I love the truth that God gives us freedom to be obedient to Him. Before Jesus set us free,  we were enslaved to our sin. But now---every single day, we have the choice to walk away, to say no to temptation, and to declare the truth that: God is better than any sin or fleeting pleasure of this world.  He is the only One that can satisfy our hearts completely. I can't help but wonder...will I ever stop chasing things of this world to find satisfaction and peace? They fail every time. I just wish I could grasp and understand that truth and actually live according to...